Tuesday, May 10, 2011

14 - Warriors and Weather: Part B

The amazing loyalty of PS Magazine readers over the past sixty years derives in no small part from the ongoing visual message that the communicators, both writers and artists, producing PS maintain an awareness of the operational and environmental actualities that confront soldiers in the field.

In this second of a four-part presentation of weather-related challenges and complications, we open with a two-color, two-page interior spread, above, by Joe Kubert for pages 18-19 in PS 670 (September 2008), and his Front Cover for PS 652 (March 2007), below.

The wide range of Will Eisner's weather whimsy is reflected in his Front Covers for PS 39 (December 1955), above, followed by PS 91 (June 190) and PS 188 (July 1968), in that order, below.

And, what better vehicle for depiction of a flood-sequence than Will's updated adaptation of the Story of Noah, with a Front Cover, above, and Continuity, below, from PS 107 (October 1961).

Remember! Our next two BlogPosts in this specialized subset will continue our focus on woes and worries associated with warriors and weather.


Following on the heels of Will Eisner and the others responsible for a publication that's lasted over these many decades is not an easy responsibility, nor is it to be taken lightly. The emotions evoked on the PS covers shown here resulted through personal experience (I'm sure!). How else can a basically humorous drawing showing some G.I.'s submerged chest-deep in rain be sad, funny and ironic—all at the same time? It takes someone whoknows it—and felt it—to be able to create a drawing to show it!



¶ Warriors and Weather: Parts C, and D

¶ Early Covers Put Eisner, PS in Hot Water

¶ The Best of Zeke Zekely in PS

¶ A Covey of Connie Covers

¶ Perspective Instructional Communications' Best in PS

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