Tuesday, May 17, 2011

15 - Warriors and Weather: Part C

This is the third BlogPost in a four-part subset focusing on the masterful awareness displayed by PS Magazine in reflecting the powerful and ever-present intrusion of weather in military endeavors. It also is the fifteenth in our ongoing salute during this Sixtieth Anniversary Year of the U.S. Army's internationally acclaimed monthly publication. We feature a significant sample from the pen of Murphy Anderson. Murphy is an icon in the world of comics, and was a stalwart presence on the PS scene—from the 1960s, through the 1971 end of the Will Eisner era at PS, as part of the 24-month contract of the "Eisner Alumni Group," and then in his own right as the PS contract artist fromPS 252 (November 1973) until PS 368 (July 1983).

In the cause of accuracy, we must mention the 1978 hiccup in which Zeke Zekely underbid Murphy and then relinquished the contract after producing six issues. Murphy stepped back into harness.

The Front Cover, above, is from PS 323 (October 1979). The entire issue focused on operational and maintenance concern in cold weather. The complete Continuity is presented below. In the next and final segment of our Warriors and Weather discussion, we plan to include some of Murphy's interior two-color spreads that include cross-gutter and wall-to-wall bleeds.

Also in the realm of two-color, interior displays, here are two from the current PS art and production contractor, Joe Kubert, who marked his tenth anniversary with the magazine this past February. The one shown above is from PS 624 (November 2004). The one below is from PS 645 (August 2006).

Our weather woes and worries selections here from the PS works of Will Eisner span the decade of the '60s. The Front Cover presented above is from PS 120 (November 1962). The Front Cover below is from PS 198 (May 1969)

The PS 100 (March 1961) Continuity by Will Eisner, below, is sprinkled with Korean clues.



¶ Warriors and Weather: Part D

¶ Early Covers Put Eisner, PS in Hot Water

¶ The Best of Zeke Zekely in PS

¶ A Covey of Connie Covers

¶ Perspective Instructional Communications' Best in PS

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